
Brits know more about Netflix and the Royal Family – than they do about gut health

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Nearly half feel that a healthy gut is a priority – but one in five don’t even know where the organ is located in their body, the research found

Nearly a fifth of Brits don’t even know where in their body their gut is located(Peter Dazeley/Getty Images)

Brits are likely to know more about Netflix, mobile phone apps, and the Royal Family – than they do about their gut, and keeping it healthy, a study has found.

A poll of 2,000 adults discovered that almost a fifth (18%) don’t even know where their gut is located within their body – while 35% have no idea what it is, or what it does.

And while almost half (45%) believe gut health is a priority, many are more knowledgeable about air fryers, TikTok, and Taylor Swift, than they are about this part of their anatomy.

However, six in 10 have relied on their gut to help them make a huge life decision – such as whether to accept a new job, buy a house, and even whether to stay married, or get divorced.

Meanwhile, 38% also let their gut guide them when it comes to little, everyday decisions – but 72% fail to support the organ’s function by taking dietary supplements.

The research was commissioned by global health and wellness company, Herbalife, whose nutritionist, Dr Richard Allison, said: “As the research shows, Brits “trust their gut” for a lot of decisions – big and small.

“But surprisingly, they know very little about one of the most important organs in our bodies. The gut not only helps digest food to support a healthy digestive system, but its function aids our bodies physically, and also has a significant impact on our day-to-day mental health.”

And many know more about Netflix, or mobile phone apps, than they do about their gut and keeping it healthy(Idrees Abbas/SOPA Images/Getty Images)

The gut – which typically refers to the organs in the gastrointestinal tract, including the stomach, intestines, and colon – plays a vital role in the healthy functioning of the human body.

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