City of Kannapolis | City of Kannapolis > Community > Jiggy With the Piggy > Arts/Crafts, Food & Vendor Info
To register as an arts/craft vendor, please using the following link:
Please note vendors in these categories are limited to HAND-CRAFTED ORIGINAL WORKS ITEMS. IF YOU DID NOT MAKE IT YOURSELF, YOU WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A CRAFT VENDOR. If this is the case, your registration will be returned and entry fees refunded.
To register as a non-profit vendor, please use the following link:
The link for Commercial Vendors (including Direct Sales) to register is:
Food & Snack Vendor spaces are FULL
The link for Beer/Wine Vendors to register is:
- The festival will run on Friday from 5pm – 9pm and on Saturday from 9am – 5pm. You are REQUIRED to participate on both days. Vendors will be expected to stay until at least 9:00pm on Friday night and until 5:00pm on Saturday.
- Vendor check-in will take place at 2:00pm on Friday afternoon. Volunteers will not be available prior to this time to assist you with your space. If you arrive before 2:00pm, you may be asked to wait. In addition, cars MUST be moved from the vendor area by 4:30pm.
- Vendor Check-In will be on Research Campus Drive. Look for the vendor check in signs and tent. For more detailed directions, or map layout, please visit click here.
- This year’s Jiggy layout will look a little different. We will not be relocating vendors back to West Avenue, instead, we will place all vendors around the outer concrete ring of the horseshoe that surrounds the 8 acre field.. Art vendor, snack vendor, and commercial vendor spaces will be approximately 10 x 10. Food vendor spaces will be approximately 10 x 30. Spaces sizes are approximate but will be large enough to accommodate a standard size 10 x 10 tent with some room in between. If more space is needed, please contact us with details.
- There is a $100.00 fee for craft vendors; a $175 fee for food and snack vendors; and a $200.00 fee for commercial vendors. All Direct Sales vendors should sign up in the commercial vendors category. NO DIRECT BUY/SELL vendors will be allowed.
- Vendors in the arts and craft categories are limited to HAND-CRAFTED, ORIGINAL WORKS ITEMS. IF YOU DID NOT MAKE IT YOURSELF, YOU WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A CRAFT VENDOR. If this is the case, your registration will be returned and entry fees refunded.
- If you are a STUDENT artist (currently enrolled in an arts program), and would like to be participate, please contact us for a special discount!
- Vendor applications will ONLY be accepted on-line. Use the links on this page to access vendor registration. Please contact us directly if you need further information.
- Only the SPACE IS GUARANTEED for all vendors. You are responsible for providing your own tent, table and other materials needed for the day. Power/electricity will be available if you previously requested it on your application. Vendors should be prepared to supply any drop cords or extension cords needed. There is no additional cost this year for electricity.
- In addition to the festival application and fee, FOOD VENDORS are also required to follow the temporary food establishment guidelines and submit an application to the Cabarrus Health Alliance. You are responsible for conforming to all Health Department regulations. PLEASE NOTE-one of the requirements from the health department is that all applications must be submitted 15 days in advance. Another change that was recently made was that there is a requirement for all food vendors to have a thin tip digital thermometer available for food temperature readings. If there are any questions concerning anything in the requirements or application please them contact the Cabarrus Health Alliance at 704-920-1223.
- THIS IS A RAIN OR SHINE EVENT! While we understand if artists do not want to show up on a rain date, for fear of damaging their art, we as an organization will still set up, allowing artists who decide to fight the rain to come out.
- In addition – we would also like to ask all of our vendors and participants to let your clients, members, friends, and family know that you are participating in the festival. Please invite them to join us. For more information, visit the Jiggy with the Piggy website at
For more information or more details, please email Danielle Hough (
Please let us know if you have any questions and we hope to hear from all of you soon!