
From fashion to study apps…What AI apps do you use a lot these days?

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Mobile Index ‘AI App Trend Report’ SKT’s “AIDAT” MAU 238% after a year ↑ Naver’s “Papago” is also widening the gap with Google.

Among the major mobile applications (apps) that incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) technology, SKT’s “Aidat” (A) and Naver’s “Papago” were mentioned as AI services that showed remarkable growth last year. A-dot, an interactive AI app, has seen a 238% increase in the number of monthly users (MAU) over a year, and Papago, an AI translation app, has also shown steady growth, with MAU exceeding 6 million.

IGA Works Marketing Cloud released the ‘AI App Trend Report’ containing these contents on the 16th. This report is an estimate calculated based on Android and iOS integrated analysis in “Mobile Index,” a data service operated by IGA Works.

As a result, the number of MAUs of A-dot in December last year was 1,257,083, up about 237.6% from 372,402 in January of that year. A-dot MAU, which only reached 280,000 in June last year, has since shown a rapid growth trend and surpassed 1 million in October.

The market believes that A-dot started supporting iPhone, which does not have a call recording function, in October last year, drawing a response from users.

Mobile Index

In AI translation apps, Papagos are maintaining an overwhelming share.

Papago’s MAU in December last year was 6,541,841, about 4 million more than the 2,546,912 Google Translation app during the same period.

In particular, it is analyzed that Papagos were often used with overseas travel apps. In December last year, the cross-use rate of apps related to overseas travel in Papago was highest in the order of “Travel Wallet (43.7%), “Trip Dotcom (36.4%)” and “Triple (35.9%).

It is explained that it would have been frequently used when traveling abroad, given that real-time translation is possible in various languages such as English, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, and Spanish from conversation content to image.

In the AI fashion app, there were 4,469,617 “Musinsa” as of December last year, which had more users than 3,845,748 “Abley.” However, in terms of usage, the average number of days used per person on the Musinsa app was 6.71 days and the usage time was 0.64 hours, while Abley users activated the app for an average of 7.33 days per person per month and used the service for about 0.94 hours during the same period.

In the learning-related AI app, “Qanda” had the largest number of users with 617,838 users (based on 12 MAU in 2023). It was followed by 275,561 people in “Tell Me About It,” 226,531 people in “Spik,” and 215,952 people in “Duo Ringo.”

Meanwhile, from January to December last year, the total usage time of the app was long in the order of Duolingo (8.828,270 hours), Quanda (8.568,052 hours), Malaboka (7,436,512 hours), and Spik (2,244,244 hours).

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