
Kentucky psychologist discusses harm of social media

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BOWLING GREEN, Ky. — New York City is suing several social media platforms for allegedly designing their apps to exploit younger audiences’ mental health, claiming the platforms have caused an increase in mental health issues for younger generations.

What You Need To Know

  • Companies like Snapchat, Instagram and TikTok might be in danger after New York City filed a lawsuit for $100 million
  • The lawsuit states the apps intentionally get younger generations addicted, generate bad habits and generate harmful content
  • At Western Kentucky University’s Potter Hall, counselors have helped with the mental health crisis
  • Psychologist Karl Laves said the negative rabbit holes stemming from these apps can affect one’s mental health

Companies like Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube are being sued, with the lawsuit stating the apps intentionally get younger generations addicted to the apps, generate bad habits and generate harmful content, which has allegedly damaged mental health.

Some studies support this, with one study from the National Center for Health Research stating people who frequently use social media were more likely to feel depressed.

At Western Kentucky University’s (WKU) Potter Hall, counselors have helped with the mental health crisis regarding social media. 

Karl Laves, WKU psychologist, said he has seen many forms of addiction over his 30-plus years of experience.

“I grew up in a generation where some of my friends were accused of having a telephone addictions,” Laves said. 

Social media differs from other forms of entertainment because it can be a form of a status measurement, Laves added. 

“[People] seem to be getting from it, some sense of, ‘Am I as good as everyone else, am I keeping up, am I behind?’” he said. 

“The longer you’re caught up in it, the more likely it is you get caught up in that hole. That one negative message gets greater and greater and greater.”

Laves said it’s important for those feeling angry or an intense emotion from social media to put the phone down and walk away.

“You might just want to shut it off, come back to it later,” he said. 

Regarding the New York City lawsuit, the city has released a social media action plan, which will attempt to hold social media companies to certain standards.

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