
Spotify is officially adding music videos

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Before the rise of music streaming services, one of the most common ways to listen to music was putting music videos on loop through YouTube. Naturally, the slate of streaming apps took a lot of eyes (and ears) away from music videos. Now, Spotify wants to bring them back. Rolling out in a few countries, the music streaming service is introducing music videos into their growing repertoire.

Today, Spotify is experimenting with music videos in an official beta program. Rolling out in 11 countries, users can now listen to their favorite songs in either audio or video formats. The selected countries include the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Kenya.

To watch a music video, users can start listening to their chosen song and select the “Switch to Video” toggle. Alternatively, users can switch back to audio-only listening by selecting “Switch to Audio.”

Because the program is still in beta, only a limited number of songs are available to watch as a video. Spotify hopes to increase both the song count and available countries soon after the beta period.

Over the years, the service is experimenting with other features related to music. One recent development, for example, offers tickets to live events straight from the app.

SEE ALSO: Spotify Song Psychic: Answer questions with music

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