
TikTok starts testing its Instagram-like TikTok Notes app

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If every other app in the world can copy TikTok, why shouldn’t TikTok copy some of those other apps too? We reported recently on rumours of the Instagram-style ‘TikTok Notes’ – a separate app for people to share photo posts. Now it’s been confirmed as official.

“We’re in the early stages of experimenting with a dedicated space for photo and text content with TikTok Notes. Starting today, TikTok Notes is available for download and limited testing in Australia and Canada,” announced TikTok. “We hope that the TikTok community will use TikTok Notes to continue sharing their moments through photo posts.”

In separate news, TikTok is also tweaking its community guidelines again, including the threat of booting creators out of its ‘For You feed. “We’re introducing a policy to make an entire account temporarily ineligible for recommendation in the For You feed if a creator repeatedly posts content that goes against our For You feed standards,” revealed the company.

“Their account and content will be harder to find in search. We will notify creators when their account has been restricted in this way, and they will be able to appeal.”

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