
Make a video of yourself dancing from just one photo using new AI app

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A recently launched AI app can create a video of you dancing from one single photograph.

The Disentangled Control for Referring Human Dance Generation in Real World (DisCo) app, which is available on iOS and Android devices, is the product of a collaboration between Microsoft and a research team at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

The AI model splits the inputted image into three parts: the background, foreground and the person’s pose, in order to create the dancing video. It makes use of TikTok dance videos, which have been inputted into the AI, in order to generate a clip of you dancing to a specific song.

DisCo may use information from dance videos that you have uploaded to TikTok yourself, but it will not inform you if it has accessed your posts on the social media platform.

Revisit DJ Mag’s 2021 piece on how artificial intelligence will change music here.

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