
Adobe Firefly – Free Generative AI for creatives

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AI generators like Firefly can enhance creativity by giving people new ways to imagine, experiment, and bring their ideas to life. Firefly is unique because Adobe intends it to be more than an AI text-to-image generator. As part of Creative Cloud, we’re building Firefly to supplement the tools Adobe creators know and love with text-based editing and generation of a variety of media, from still images to video to 3D, as well as “creative building blocks” like brushes, vectors, textures, and more.

For Firefly, the future vision is for creators to be able to use everyday language and other inputs to quickly be able to test out design variations, remove distractions from photos, add elements to an illustration, change the mood of a video, add texture to 3D objects, create digital experiences, and more — then seamlessly customize and edit their content using a combination of Firefly and other Creative Cloud tools.

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