
Apple allows game emulators in App Store now, music apps can redirect to external website in EU – Technology News

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Apple has updated its App Store guidelines again and said that it will allow game emulators in the App Store globally while music apps can redirect to an external website in markets under the European Union (EU). 

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Apple announced that “Music Streaming Services Entitlements” will be introduced for apps distributed in the European Union with the latest update to its App Review Guidelines, and these guidelines will be available on the Apple Developer website. Also, music streaming apps “in specific regions” can now include a link (such as a “buy” button) to an external website. Apple explained. Furthermore, music streaming apps can also invite users to provide their email address which will direct them to a link for buying digital music or services through the developer’s website.

It is believed that the new change comes after Apple got fined by the EU commission for abusing its market position and making anti-competitive rules in the App Store against Apple Music competitors. 

The highlights!

Apple mailed developers that it is allowing developers to create and distribute game emulators on the App Store worldwide. The section on mini apps and game streaming has been updated and game emulators have been added to it. “Additionally, retro game console emulator apps can offer to download games,” Apple explained. 

However, Apple warns that developers are “responsible for all such software offered in your app, including ensuring that such software complies with these Guidelines and all applicable laws,” when asked about the safety structure of the new upgrade. Critics argue that this has raised a question of whether anyone can release a game emulator. Furthermore, many have highlighted the new upgrade might stay limited for the companies that own the rights to the games distributed for it.

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