
Apple releases stable versions of Devices, Music, and TV apps for Windows

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In January 2023, Apple released preview versions of the Apple Devices, Apple Music, and Apple TV applications for Windows. Since then, the company has rolled out multiple updates to each of those apps but kept the three apps in the preview state, which meant that they might have had bugs and performance issues. That’s changing now.

Apple has released stable versions of Devices, Music, and TV for Windows. The three apps are available to download from the Microsoft Store. The listing for the preview and final versions of these apps is the same. Apple has just pushed a new update to these apps and removed the preview tag. At this point, it is worth mentioning that the three apps are made for the x86 architecture and Windows 10 and Windows 11 platforms.

For those of you who don’t know about these apps, here’s a quick recap. The Devices app allows you to manage your Apple devices, such as backing up data, syncing data, and updating firmware, from Windows. Whereas, the Music and TV apps give you access to the Apple Music and the Apple TV platforms respectively, and offer all the features that the Music and TV apps for Apple’s platform offer. Apple had launched these three apps to replace iTunes but iTunes is still available on the Microsoft Store.

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