
Slanchogled in Sofia – Arts & crafts supplies

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Slanchogled (which means sunflower in Bulgarian) is probably the oldest store for craft and art supplies I know and it still remains one of the best in Sofia. Not that it has that many goods but the place is really inspiring. Going there is a favorite ritual of mine even though lately I haven’t been crafting anything. One can still be inspired or buy a splendid decoration.

Slanchogled is situated in a 2-floored old house on the popular Ivan Vazov Str. There is no chance you’ll miss it – the facade of the house is a good example of street art in Sofia, with drawings on each side. Also, the shop window is always decorated splendidly so it will probably catch your eye.

Slanchogled has 2 entrances, both leading to the main second floor, so it doesn’t matter which one you choose. On the first floor there are mainly supplies for drawing: brushes, books, notebooks, pencils and tripods. If you choose the other entrance you will find different wrapping papers. Narrow wooden squeaking stairs will get you to the second floor – my favorite space for different types of papers.

Interesting fact: there is another Slanchogled shop in Camden Town in London as well.

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